


什么是CIMS?它是英语Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systen的缩写,意思是计算机集成制造系统。它是随着计算机辅助设计与制造的发展而产生的。它是在信息技术自动化技术与制造的基础上,通过计算机技术把分散在产品设计棗制造过程中各种孤立的自动化子系统有机地集成起来,形成适用于多品种、小批量生产,实现整体效益的集成化和智能化制造系统。集成化反映了自动化的广度,它把系统的范围扩展到了市场预测、产品设计、加工制造、检验、销售及售后服务等的全过程。智能化则体现了自动化的深度,它不仅涉及物资流控制的传统体力劳动自动化,还包括信息流控制的脑力劳动的自动化。

当前,我国的CIMS已经改变为“现代集成制造(Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing)与现代集成制造系统(Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing System)”。它已在广度与深度上拓展了原CIM/CIMS的内涵。其中,“现代”的含义是计算机化、信息化、智能化。“集成”有更广泛的内容,它包括信息集成、过程集成及企业间集成等三个阶段的集成优化;企业活动中三要素及三流的集成优化;CIMS有关技术的集成优化及各类人员的集成优化等。

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注意:本论文已在《计算机工程 》2002,28(8):222-223,286杂志发表,

刘丽兰1,俞 涛1,施战备2,方明伦1
(1.上海大学CIMS与机器人中心;2.上海大学计算机系,上海 200072)

摘要:提出了利用CPC和VPN技术构建B2B电子商务的理念。该系统以CPC为企业信息和管理无缝集成的平台,以服务为根本,以VPN为物理上的网络支撑,通过Internet技术,将面向上游供应商的采购业务和下游代理商的销售业务有机联系起来,提供整合的服务体系,有效地 解决了B2B电子商务中存在的信息集成和网络安全问题。最后以工程应用实例验证了该B2B电子商务理论框架的可行性。



Research on B2B E-commerce Based on CPC and VPN


LIU Lilan1, YU Tao1, SHI Zhanbei2, FANG Minglun1
(1.CIMS and Robot Center, Shanghai University ; 2.Computer Department, Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072)


Abstract: The concept of constructing B2B e-commerce using CPC and VPN techniques is brought forward for the first time.With CPC as the integrating platform of information and management, service-providing as the basis, and VPN as the physical Web-supporting framework, the system puts effectively together the purchasing operations of the suppliers and the selling operations of the agents through the Internet. This solution resolves the problems of information-integration and Web-security in present B2B e-commerce by providing conformity service system.Eventually, the feasibility of the framework is validated using project instance.

Keywords: Collaborative product commerce (CPC); Virtual private network (VPN);Business to business (B2B);E-commerce


注意本论文已在《计算机应用》 2003,23(9):85-87 发表

施战备1 ,俞 涛2 ,刘丽兰2
(1. 上海大学计算机工程与科学学院,上海200072 ;  2. 上海大学CIMS 与机器人中心,上海200072)


摘要:通过分析网络化制造存在的缺陷,以及网格技术的主要功能和特点,提出了快速制造网格(RMG) 的概念,并以OGSI 网格平台和WS2Inspection 规范为基础,在RMG中实现了快速制造服务的封装、远程服务注册、以及分布式快速制造服务发现(RMSD) ,解决了制约网格技术向制造业推广的瓶颈。

关键词:网络化制造;快速制造网格(RMG) ;服务注册;快速制造服务发现(RMSD)


Service Registry and Discovery in Rapid Manufacturing Grid

SHI Zhanbei1 ,YU Tao2 ,LIU Lilan2
(1 .School of Computer Engineering , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China ; 2 .CIMS Research Center , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China)



Abstract: The conception of Rapid Manufacturing Grid ( RMG) is put forward by analyzing the limitation of network manufacturing, and the benefits of grid technology. Based on OGSI (Open Grid Service Infrastructure) grid platform and WS2 Inspection, the encapsulation and remote registry of rapid manufacturing service , and distributed Rapid Manufacturing Service Discovery (RMSD) are realized in RMG, which provides a solution to making the best of Grid Technology in Manufacturing.
Keywords: network manufacturing ; Rapid Manufacturing Grid ( RMG) ; service registry ; Rapid Manufacturing Service Discovery (RMSD) 



施战备1 ,俞 涛2 ,刘丽兰2
(1. 上海大学计算机工程与科学学院,上海200072 ;  2. 上海大学CIMS与机器人中心,上海200072)


摘要:为实现资源共享和协同工作,制造业对公共技术及服务平台的需求越来越强烈。以快速制造为应用背景,将网格技术运用到制造业领域,提出了制造网格(Manufacturing Grid,MG)的概念。同时,在分析和研究制造网格资源管理结点的功能和特点时,指出资源的配置是该结点的一个瓶颈点和核心,提出以TQCS为目标准则,以选择最佳资源结点为目标的基于AHP的网格结点选择方法,并详细描述了该方法的实现步骤。

关键词:网络技术;制造网格 ;资源配置;AHP算法


Manufacturing Grid and Its Resource Configuration Algorithm

SHI Zhanbei1 ,YU Tao2 ,LIU Lilan2
(1 .School of Computer Engineering , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China ; 2 .CIMS Research Center , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China)



Abstract: In order to make resource shareing and collaborative working into reality,The demand for common technology and service platform in manufacturing is getting more and more vehement.In This paper puts forward ereutively the conception of manufacturing grid(MG),with rapid manufacturing as application background.At the same time,by studing the functions and characteristics of MG management nodes,people find the configuration algorithm is very important in choosing resource nodes.So this research brings forth AHP—based grid nodes choosing method,which takes time,quality cost and service(TQCS)as rules and chooses best resource node as target.Finally,it describes the implementation steps of this algorithm.
Keywords: Grid technology ;Manufacturing Grid (RMG) ; Resource configaration ;AHP algorithm 




注意本论文已在《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 2004,5:26-28 发表
冯辉 ,俞 涛 ,刘丽兰
( 上海大学CIMS 与机器人中心,上海,200072)


中图分类号:F274 文章编号:1001—2265(2004)05—0026—03


Service Registry and Discovery in Rapid Manufacturing Grid


FENG Hui YU Tao LIU Lilan
(CIMS Research Center , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China)

Abstract: The purchase of material is very important to enterprises to reduce the production cost and promote the competitive ability of their products.Based on the study of the condition and the problems common to most enterprises,the paper puts forward the Multi—objective decision model for price comparing and analysis by means of using AHP.At the same time,the model has been used in the purchase MIS and made notable profits.It is valuable in both theory and practice the decisions of purchase.
Keywords: purchase;price comparing model;AHP;multi—objective decision





刘丽兰,俞 涛,曹红武,方明伦
( 上海大学CIMS 与机器人中心,上海,200072)

摘要:为解决制造网格(MG) 中资源管理与调度问题,本文开发了制造网格信息服务(MGIS) 和制造网格资源调度器(MGRS) ,建立了制造网格资源管理与调度系统。其中,MGIS 通过集成Globus 提供的检测查询服务(MDS) 和各种制造资源封装模板实现了资源的远程封装、注册、发现和监控管理,而MGRS 实现了全局工艺规划(GPP) 分析、资源发现、资源选择、资源匹配以及容错处理等基于TQCS(时间、质量、成本、服务) 的资源调度功能。最后,本文通过建立应用原型说明了该系统的实际应用过程。
中图分类号:TP18 ;TH165 文章编号:100328728 (2004) 1021230204


Research on Resource Management and Scheduling System in Manufacturing Grid

LIU Lilan , YU Tao , CAO Hongwu , FANG Minglun
(CIMS Research Center , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China)

Abstract: In order to resolve the resource management and scheduling problem in manufacturing grid (MG),a manufacturing grid information service (MGIS) and a manufacturing grid resource scheduler (MGRS) are developed in this research. The former , MGIS , provides fundamental mechanisms for remote resource encapsulating , registry , discovery and monitoring by integrating monitoring and discovery service (MDS) with various kinds of resource encapsulating templates ; and the latter , MGRS , performs scheduling roles as global process planning (GPP) analyzing , resource discovery , resource selection , resource mapping and fault2tolerant handling functions. Furthermore , the application architecture is depicted at the end of the paper to illustrate the utilization of this system.
Keywords: Manufacturing grid(MG) ; Resource management and scheduling(MGIS) ; Manufacturing grid information service ; Manufacturing grid resource scheduler(MGRS)




刘丽兰  俞涛  施战备
( 上海大学CIMS 与机器人中心,上海,200072)

分类号:TP39;TH18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-5911(2005)02-0284-05


Quality of service management system in manufacturing grid

LIU Li-lan,YU Tao,SHI Zhan-bei
(CIMS Research Center , Shanghai University ,Shanghai 200072 ,China)

Abstract: Quality of Service management system was presented in Manufacturing Grid (MG-QoS) to guarantee the satisfactions from customers on various manufacture resource & service requirements. With this system, task decomposition was implemented by characteristics matching, similarity degree searching algorithm, service quality restriction decomposition and its results validation. The resource scheduling was carried out by QoS attributes matching, TQCSR-based multi-objective modeling, and fault-tolerant handling. The resource reservation was achieved by defining reservation policies and accessing task-lists. And, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) was managed with the functions of SLA negotiation and creation, SLA deployment, violation detection, penalty management and SLA termination. This schema aimed to be one of the indispensable components of MG during the lifecycle of product manufacturing.
Keywords:manufacturing grid; quality of service; service level agreement





上海交通大学 唐林





唐 林, 邹慧君
(上海交通大学, 上海,200030)

摘要:根据目前国内外设计学者进行机械产品设计时的主要思维特点, 将产品方案的设计方法概括为系统化、结构模块化、基于产品特征知识和智能四种类型。指出四种方法的特点及其相互间的有机联系, 提出产品方案设计计算机实现的努力方向。
关键词: 机械产品; 方案设计方法; 发展趋势


An Overview of the existing Methods and Development Trend of Project Design for Mechanical Products

TANG Lin, ZHOU Huijun
(Shanghai Jiao tong University, Shanghai 200030)

Abstract: According to the main characteristics of the cognitive procoss of scholars in the project design for mechanical products at present, we put the existing design methods into four classes namely, systematic design, structural design, know ledge2based design and intelligent design. We then analyzed the characteristics of each design method and the relationship among these four methods. Finally, we pointed out the developmeut trend of conputer-aided project design for mechanical products.
Keywords:Project design;Mechanical products;Design methods; Development trend




陈晓川1 李晴2
1.东华大学 机械工程学院,上海,201620
2.河北师范大学 职业技术学院,河北省石家庄市,050031

内容摘要:DFC(Design For Cost)是DFX方法的一个分支,是指在满足用户需求的前提下,尽可能地降低成本,通过分析和研究产品制造过程及其相关的销售、使用、维修、回收、报废等产品全生命周期中的各个部分的成本组成情况,并进行评价后,对原设计中影响产品成本的过高费用部分进行修改,以达到降低成本的设计方法。本文从DFC的角度提出大飞机的经济性必须依靠设计中的全生命周期成本(LCC-Life cycle cost) 估算、全面成本管理和PLM、DFX、CRM等相关软件的综合应用来实现,分析了民用飞机的成本特征(起飞质量、发动机静推力和机翼面积等)和LCC估算方法(类比、神经网络和详细估算等方法),并给出了一个包括波音和空客民用飞机数据的采用BP神经网络进行LCC估算的实例。
关键词:民用飞机,面向成本的设计(DFC-Design For Cost),全生命周期成本,估算

Life cycle cost estimate and control methods of Chinese civil aircraft

Chen XiaoChuan1 , Li Qing2
(1.The Mechanical Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai, China, 200051
2. The College of Career Technology, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, China, 050031)

Abstract:Design For Cost (DFC) is a embranchment of Design For X (DFX). In this paper,we defined DFC as a design method which analyzed and evaluated the product’s life cycle cost (LCC),then modified the design to reduce the LCC. From DFC angle, civil aircraft economy depends on synthetic application of LCC estimation in a design, total cost management and software (PLM, DFX, CRM, etc.). We analyzed life cycle cost features (takeoff weight, engine thrust and wing area, etc.) and LCC estimation methods (analogy, artificial neural network and detailed cost estimation method, etc.). Finally, using BP ANN a LCC estimation case that includes Boeing and Airbus aircraft data was given.
Keywords:Civil aircraft, Design For Cost (DFC), Life cycle cost (LCC), estimate




陈晓川1 2吴明清1雷福祥1
1.塔里木大学 机械电气化工程学院,新疆阿拉尔,843300
2.东华大学 机械工程学院,上海,201620

关键词:全生命周期成本,采棉机,动态成本,不确定性 中图分类号:S23-9 TH-9

Dynamic analysis of cotton pickers’ life cycle cost

Chen XiaoChuan12 , Wu Mingqing1 , Lei Fuxiang1
1. The Mechanical Engineering College, Tarim University, Alar, Xinjiang, China, 843300
2. The Mechanical Engineering College, Donghua University, Shanghai, China, 201620

Abstract:This paper mainly focused on cotton pickers’ life cycle cost (LCC) calculation based on dynamic analysis. Life cycle cost data of cotton pickers were collected by enterprise survey and references. Uncertainty factors of cotton pickers’ life cycle cost was labor cost and oil price. Then using simulation methods, we analyze different cotton pickers’ LCC and profit under oil price variation in Xinjiang. Because of different charge mode in Xinjiang, this paper analyzes cotton pickers’ profit variation trend under per unit yield of cotton in southern Xinjiang and charging standard improving in northern Xinjiang. Finally, the conclusions were proposed: because agricultural machinery service companies (AMSC) earnings in southern Xinjiang are higher than in northern Xinjiang, southern AMSC use domestic cotton pickers are not more positive than northern AMSC. However, with service price improving, northern AMSC will decrease using domestic cotton pickers. With per unit area yield of cotton increasing, economic benefits of southern AMSC become better than northern AMSC. Oil price and labor cost increasing can not affect cotton pickers’ application.
Key word: Life cycle cost; cotton pickers; dynamic cost; uncertainty


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