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Study on Hydrothermal Cracking of Heavy Oils: Formation of Radical Under Lower Reaction Temperature
注意:本论文已在Anal. Rep. Eng. Res. Inst. Facul. Eng. Univ. Tokyo, vol.59, pp.111发表

Jie CHANG(常杰), Noritatsu TSUBAKI and Kaoru FUJIMOTO


   The hydrothermal cracking of heavy oils, Canadian oil sand bitumen and Arabian heavy vacuum resid, as well as their model compound were performed over Ni/Al2O3 and NiMo/Al2O3 catalysts under 663-703 K and 5.0 MPa of hydrogen pressure in a autoclave reactor. The conversions of heavy oils and their model compound were remarkably enhanced by adding some free radical initiators, such as peroxide and sulfur. The reaction mechanism on model compound, 1-phenyldodecane (PhDD), suggested that the hydrogen in hydrocarbon was easily abstracted by free radicals that were formed from initiators under lower temperature, and the chain reactions were readily initiated. Therefore, the conversion was obviously increased even at lower reaction temperature.


Hydrothermal cracking of Residual Oil
注意:本论文已在Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section), Vol.17 (1), pp.42发表

Kaoru Fujimoto, Jie Chang(常杰) and Li Fan
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656, Japan

Abstract:Hydrothermal cracking process of residual oil has been developed by our group for many years to upgrade heavy oil feedstock into valuable middle distillate products. It is a tailor-made combined process of thermal cracking and catalytic hydrogenation. This process can suppress gas and toluene insoluble coke yields and promote middle distillate yield comparing with thermal cracking process at the same conversion level. Hydrothermal cracking process was operated at high reaction temperature (693~733 K) and medium hydrogen partial pressure (3.0~8.0 MPa). Experiments were conducted in batch autoclave reactors and semi-batch reaction systems respectively. Series of catalysts were prepared from different supports (MgO, active carbon, SiO2 and Al2O3) and active metals ( Ni, Mo, Co and W, etc.). Feedstock such as bitumen, AR (atmospheric resid) and VR (vacuum resid) were tested. The structure of feedstock and products were characterized by 1H-NMR. The reuse ability and regeneration of catalysts were studied as well. Alumina-supported catalysts showed better performance and regeneration ability. The reaction mechanism of hydrothermal cracking was also studied by model compound and proposed as one consisting of thermal cracking of hydrocarbon molecules via free radical chain reactions and catalytic quench of free radicals by hydrogen.


Free-surface waves and far wakes generated by a floating body in a viscous fluid. Journal of Hydrodynamics
注意:本论文已在. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.10-16. Aug. 2003.发表

Lu Dong-qiang.(卢东强)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Shanghai institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai University, Shagnhai, 200072, China 

Abstract: The free-surface waves and the flow field due to a body moving on the surface of an incompressible viscous fluid of infinite depth were studied analytically. The floating body was modeled as a normal point pressure on the free surface. Based on the Oseen approximation for governing equations and the linearity assumption for boundary conditions, the exact solutions in integral form for the free-surface elevation, the velocities and the pressure were given. By employing Lighthill's two-stage scheme, the asymptotic representations in far field for large Reynolds numbers were derived explicitly. The effect of viscosity on the wave profiles was expressed by an exponential decay factor, which removes the singular behavior predicted by the potential theory.
Keywords: free-surface waves, velocity distribution, floating body, viscosity, asymptotic representation, Lighthill's two-stage scheme


注意:本论文已在力学进展》 284,521-531, 199811发表

张宝善, 卢东强, 戴世强, 程友良

摘要: 概述了辛几何理论与辛算法在Hamilton力学中的应用,综述非线性水波的Hamilton理论研究进展。阐述非线性水波Hamilton变分原理与方法的优越性与局限性,探讨KdV方程和BBM方程的Hamilton描述、对称性与守恒律。提出非线性水波Hamilton描述研究中有待进一步研究的问题和解法设想。
关键词: Hamilton变分原理,辛几何,非线性水波,Hamilton系统,对称性与守恒律

Research progress on theories and applications of Hamiltonian system in nonlinear water waves 

Zhang Baoshan, Lu Dongqiang, Dai Shiqiang, Cheng Youliang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 200072)

Abstract: This paper is a summary of the applications of symplectic theories algorithms to Hamiltonian mechanics and the research progress Hamiltonian formulation for nonlinear water waves. The advantages and limitations of Hamiltonian variational principle and approaches for nonlinear water waves are discussed. In addition, it includes also discussions on the Hamiltonian formalism, symmetry and conservation laws of KdV equation and BBM equation and comments on the problems concerned.
Keywords: Hamiltonian principle, symplectic geometry, nonlinear water waves, Hamiltonian systems, symmetry and conservation laws.


新型Poisson 括号意义下的无穷维Lie代数
注意:本论文已在力学学报》 1998年30卷3期,307-313页, 1998年5月发表

张宝善, 卢东强, 戴世强

摘要: 本文首先针对DdV方程的Hamilton形式,建立一种比较容易验证的新型Poisson括号和无穷维Lie代数。其次,研究KdV方程的Hamilton形式的第一积分与新型Poisson括号的关系,得到判定第一积分的充分必要条件。最后,构造KdV方程的第一积分。
关键词: KdV方程,Hamilton形式,第一积分,Poisson括号,无穷维Lie代数

Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebra With a New Poisson Bracket 

Zhang Baoshan, Lu Dongqiang, Dai Shiqiang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 200072)

Abstract: For the  Hamiltonian formulation of the Korteweg-de Vires equation (KdV equation), C.S. Gardner defined a Poisson bracket. In this paper a brand-new bracket is defined. It is easily verified that new bracket possesses three properties of the Poisson bracket, bilinearity, skew symmetry, Jacobi identity. The new Poisson bracket has a close connection with C.S. Gardner's definition. In the framework of the new Poisson bracket, all the first integrals of the KdV equation constitute an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra. Then the necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying the first integrals are obtained. Finally, the method for finding first integrals of  KdV equation is investigated.
Keywords: KdV equation, Hamiltonian formulation, first integral, Poisson bracket, infinite-dimensional, Lie algebra..


注意:本论文已在Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM'2002)》发表

赖朝安 孙延明 黄平 郑时雄
(华南理工大学 机械工程学院 广州 510640)

摘 要: 依据多级菱形思维模型,分析基于实例的推理、遗传算法的不足并指出其深层原因是不符合多级菱形思维模型。提出引入聚类分析方法,用实例检索、聚类分析与遗传算法优化模拟多级菱形思维过程。通过减少从用户需求到产品结构的映射次数以保证第一次收敛的效果,定义产品结构相似性并推导出相似度计算公式以实现聚类分析,并依此改进实例检索效果与遗传算法性能来促进创新设计。
中图分类号:TH122 文献标识码:A


LAI Chaoan, SUN Yanming,  HUANG Ping, ZHENG Shixiong
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Post Code 510640

ABSTRACT:According to the model of multilevel rhombus thought (MRT), the drawbacks in CBR and GA were analyzed and it was pointed out that the fundamental reason to their drawbacks was their deviating from the model of MRT. Cluster analysis method was applied with a view to bind CBR, cluster analysis and GA together to simulate a MRT process. It was pointed out that mapping times from customer needs to physical structure should be reduced in order to guarantee the effect of first convergence. The definition of similarity and the arithmetic formula of similarity measure for physical structure were put forth in order to carry out cluster analysis. Above method improves the effect of case retrieval and the performance of GA and aid in the design of creative artifacts. 
Keywords: Creative designing; Case-Based Reasoning (CBR); Cluster analysis; Genetic Algorithms (GA)


Multiple travelling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations using a unified algebraic method
注意:本论文已在 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A: MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 35 (2002) 6853–6872 》发表
Engui Fan(范恩贵)
Institute of Mathematics, Key Laboratory for Nonlinear Mathematical Models and Methods,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China

AbstractA new direct and unified algebraic method for constructing multiple travelling wave solutions of general nonlinear evolution equations is presented and implemented in a computer algebraic system. Compared with most of the existing tanhmethods, the Jacobi elliptic functionmethod or other sophisticated methods, the proposed method not only gives new and more general solutions, but also provides a guideline to classify the various types of the travelling wave solutions according to the values of some parameters. The solutions obtained in this paper include (a) kink-shaped and bell-shaped soliton solutions, (b) rational solutions, (c) triangular periodic solutions and (d) Jacobi and Weierstrass doubly periodic wave solutions. Among them, the Jacobi elliptic periodic wave solutions exactly degenerate to the soliton solutions at a certain limit condition. The efficiency of the method can be demonstrated on a large variety of nonlinear evolution equations such as those considered in this paper, KdV–MKdV, Ito’s fifth MKdV, Hirota, Nizhnik–Novikov–Veselov, Broer–Kaup, generalized coupledHirota–Satsuma, coupled Schr¨odinger–KdV, (2 + 1)-dimensional dispersive long wave, (2 + 1)-dimensional Davey– Stewartson equations. In addition, as an illustrative sample, the properties of the soliton solutions and Jacobi doubly periodic solutions for the Hirota equation are shown by some figures. The links among our proposed method, the tanh method, extended tanh method and the Jacobi elliptic function method are clarified generally.


A family of completely integrable multi-Hamiltonian systems explicitly related to some celebrated equations
Engui Fan(范恩贵)
Institute of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, People’s Republic of China

~Received 2 October 2000; accepted for publication 4 June 2001

By introducing a spectral problem with an arbitrary parameter, we derive a Kaup–Newell-type hierarchy of nonlinear evolution equations, which is explicitly related to many important equations such as the Kundu equation, the Kaup–Newell ~KN! equation, the Chen–Lee–Liu ~CLL! equation, the Gerdjikov–Ivanov ~GI! equation,the Burgers equation, the modified Korteweg-deVries ~MKdV! equation and the Sharma–Tasso–Olver equation. It is shown that the hierarchy is integrable in Liouville’s sense and possesses multi-Hamiltonian structure. Under the Bargann constraint between the potentials and the eigenfunctions, the spectral problem is nonlinearized as a finite-dimensional completely integrable Hamiltonian system. The involutive representation of the solutions for the  Kaup–Newell-type hierarchy is also presented. In addition, an N-fold Darboux transformation of the Kundu equation is constructed with the help of its Lax pairs and a reduction technique. According to the Darboux transformation, the solutions of the Kundu equation is reduced to solving a linear algebraic system and two first-order ordinary differential equations. It is found that the KN, CLL, and GI equations can be described by a Kundu-type derivative nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation involving a parameter. And then, we can construct the Hamiltonian formulations, Lax pairs and N-fold Darboux transformations for the Kundu, KN, CLL, and GI equations in explicit and unified ways.



注意:本论文已在岩石力学与工程学报.2003,22(7):1121-1125 》发表

姜清辉 ,2 王笑海2 丰定祥2 冯树仁2 
(1.武汉大学水力发电工程系 武汉430072;2.中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 武汉 430071)

摘要: 为了拓展三维极限平衡法在实际工程中的广泛应用,边坡稳定性分析可视化系统软件3D_SLOPE被研制和发展。它由前处理、极限平衡分析求解器和后处理组成,前处理核心是构造三维边坡地质模型,后处理主要是计算结果分析和可视化图形显示。该系统将边坡工程地质信息三维可视化技术和稳定性分析有机地结合起来,由于其良好的用户界面和高质量的三维图形显示能力,人们能够容易地将其应用到实际边坡工程问题。
关键词: 边坡稳定性分析 ,极限平衡法 ,三维可视化 

Three Dimensional Limit Equilibrium Analysis System Software 3D_SLOPE
for Slope Stability and its Application

Jiang Qinghui1 Wang Xiaohai2 Feng Dingxiang2 Feng Shuren2
(1College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University,430072,China)
(2 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071)

Abstract In order to pursue three-dimensional limit equilibrium analysis methods to widely practical applications, an interactive visualization system software 3D_SLOPE for slope stability analysis has been developed. It contains the pre-processor, the limit equilibrium analysis solver and the post-processor. In the pre-processor, the construction of three-dimensional geological model of the slope structure provides geoinformation presentation for the limit equilibrium solver. In the post-processor, the effective three-dimensional visualization of data sets can assist the user with interpretation and analysis of the calculation results. The 3D_SLOPE system combined 3-D visualization of geoinformation in slope engineering with limit equilibrium analysis for slope stability. Because of its user-friendly interface and high-quality 3-D graphics capabilities, the geotechnical engineers can easily apply 3D_SLOPE to practical engineering problems. 
Key Words analysis of slope stability, limit equilibrium method, three-dimensional visualization


A Model of Point-to-Face Contact for Three-Dimensional Discontinuous Deformation Analysis
注意:本论文已在Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. August 18, 2003 # Springer-Verlag》发表

Q. H. Jiang1(姜清辉) and M. R. Yeung2
1State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science
Wuhan University, Wuhan, P.R. China
2Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P.R. China

Received August 30, 2002; accepted April 7, 2003

Summary:The key to three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3D DDA) is a rigorous contact theory that governs the interaction of many three-dimensional blocks. This theory must provide algorithms to judge contact types and locations and the appropriate state of each contact, which can be open, sliding or locked. This paper presents a point-to-face contact model, which forms a part of the contact theory, to be used in 3D DDA. Normal spring, shear spring and frictional force submatrices are derived by vector analysis and the penalty method. Also given are the ‘‘openclose’’ iteration criteria and operations performed for different changes in contact state. Sliding at a contact can occur in any direction parallel to the contact face, as opposed to one of two directions in two-dimensional DDA. This point-to-face contact model has been implemented into a 3D DDA computer program, and numerical results from several test cases demonstrate the validity of the model and the capability of the program.
Keywords: 3D DDA, point-to-face contact, open-close iteration.


Dosing system for the nanolitre range,fabricated with the AMANDA process

P Shao(邵培革), Z Rummler and WK Schomburg
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut f¨ur Mikrostrukturtechnik, Postfach 3640,D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract:We present a dosing system, which consists of four microvalves (presented by Rogge et al in the Proceedings of Eurosensors XVI, Prague, 2002,pp 109–110) for controlling and a movable membrane for flow measurement that divides a cavity into two chambers. The flow rate is determined from the straining of the membrane caused by the entering fluid. The displaced volume is detected by strain gauges integrated in the membrane. The overall dimensions of the membrane and the entire system are 2 mm and 10 × 50 × 6 mm3, respectively. A simple control was coded for dosing a certain amount of volume. This simple system has already achieved an accuracy of about 10%. The dosing system is manufactured with the AMANDA process, which allows for low-cost production of microcomponents from polymers.


Polymer micro piezo valve with a small dead volume


Peige Shao1(邵培革), Zeno Rummler2 and Werner Karl Schomburg3
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut f¨ur Mikrostrukturtechnik, Postfach 3640, D-76021,Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract:A polymer valve with a small dead volume in the range of 6 nl and a response time faster than 1 ms is presented. The valve structure is simple and therefore easy to fabricate by injection molding or hot embossing. A layer of silicone rubber applied by a stamping technique not only promotes the sealing of the valve but also defines the gluing area during assembly. The fabrication is based on the AMANDA-process, which allows low-cost batch production of polymer micro devices. 


注意:本论文已在上海交通大学学报》2002,36 (9):1365-1369发表

宋立博, 吕恬生, 张家梁, 费燕琼

关键词 溜冰机器人,移动机器人,运动学,状态空间
中图分类号: TP242.1 文献标识码 A

Kinematic Analysis of Ice-Skater Robot

SONG Li-bo LÜ Tian-sheng ZHANG Jia-liang FEI Yan-qiong
(School of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai,200030)

ABSTRACT A Ice-skater Robot of leg-wheel type is redesigned according to Roller-walker and ALDURO. On the basis of introduction of kinematic analysis methods, the paper founds the stationary coordinate system and the wheel coordinate system respectively. Meanwhile, the kinematic constraint equations of the standard centered orientable wheel is founded on the assumption that there is no slippage in normal direction and pure rolling in tangential direction of the wheels. Then, the kinematic model is modeled and the mobility is discussed in the paper. And the motion condition equation of the robot is gotten in sequence. Meanwhile, the paper designs the kinematic state space representation of the Ice-skater Robot. At last, the paper analyzes the kinematics of the Ice-skater Robot when it turns and skates forwards respectively. 
KEYWORDS Ice-skater Robot,Mobile robot,,Kinematics,State space 


The core doninance parameter of extragalactic radio sources
注意:本论文已在Asronomy & Astrophysics June 11, 2003,1–14》发表

J.H. Fan and J.S. Zhang
Certer for Astrophysics, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, 510400, China

Abstract: In this paper, based on a paper by Liu Zhang(2002), we have chosen a sample of 542 extragalactic sources, for which we have calculated the core-dominance parameters and investigated the relation between core-dominance parameter and the core and extended luminosities. The core-dominance parameter of galaxies is smaller than that in quasars, which is smaller than that in BL Lac objects.
Key words BL Lacertae objects; general, galaxies; quasars-galaxies; Seyfert-galaxies; jet 



袁野1.2 欧宗瑛2
(1.大连理工大学自动化系,大连,116024 2.大连理工大学机械系CAD&CG研究所,大连,116024)


A Method of Edge Detection Based on Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Algorithm

Yuan Ye 1.2 Zhong Chongquan2 Ou Zongying 2
1Automation Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024
2CAD&CG lab, Mechanical Engineering Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024

Abstract: In 3D render technique of medical images, we need edges which are single pixel. In order to meet this need, we proposed a method of edge detection, which based on Mallat wavelet model maximum edge detection algorithm and fuzzy algorithm. We designed a membership function for model maximum and pick suitable model maximum , then the edge of single pixel can be detected. The experimental results show that the algorithm is feasible.
s: wavelet transform, edge detection, model maximum, membership function, fuzzy algorithm 



袁野1.2 欧宗瑛2 田中旭3 
(1. 大连理工大学自动化系,大连,116024) (2.大连理工大学机械学院CAD&CG研究所,大连,116024)


3D Reconstruction in Stereo Vision using Neural Networks implicit vision model

Yuan Ye 1.2 Ou Zongying 2 Tian Zhongxu3 
1Automation Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024
2CAD&CG lab, Mechanical Engineering Department, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024(3.Robot Center ,Shanghai University ,Shanghai, 200072) 

Abstract: The classical stereo vision algorithms based on explicit model are very complicated, an algorithm of stereo vision based on BP neural networks implicit vision model was proposed in this paper. Multi calibration planes were placed in the effective view field, neural network was used to approximate the process from two image points to the 3D point, after training the BP networks a implicit model was built, the 3D points can be reconstructed without the complicated calibration. The experimental results show that the algorithm gains simplicity and high accuracy.
Keywords: neural networks
stereo vision3D Reconstruction



何池全 李 蕾 顾 超 陆晓怡
(上海大学环境科学与工程系, 上海, 200072)

摘要:毛果苔草湿地的物理过程观测设在中国科学院三江平原沼泽湿地生态实验站内,用美国CID公司出品的光合仪对典型湿地中几种优势植物的光合能力进行测定;在80。C干燥的植物样品(含各种不同的构件),粉碎后,分别称量约1g左右,用美国公司Parr型氧弹式热量计测定;研究发现毛果苔草湿地建群种中毛果苔草的净光合速率最大, 为47.41μmol·m-2·s-1。以太阳总辐射能和生长季内光合有效辐射为基础计算出各器官的能量利用效率计, 极大值是细根, 分别为1.3945%和3.1879%, 极小值是穗, 分别为0.0020%和0.0046%,毛果苔草种群的能量利用率为2.54%。湿地不同植物群落地下部分的能量含量分布中毛果苔草群落的地下部分能量含量的平均值最大。这说明毛果苔草种群具有较高的能量转化效率,并将大部分能量储存在地下部分。在不同层次的能量含量分配中,随着土壤深度的增加,地下部分的能量含量是趋于递减趋势的。

The utilization and distribution of the sunshine radiant energy of Carex lasiocarpa wetland in Sanjiang Plain

He Chiquan Li Lei Gu Chao Lu Xiaoyi
(Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai  University;Shanghai,200072)

Abstract: Carex lasiocarpa is a rhizomatous clonal species of mire wetlands in Northeastern of China. The fieldwork about physical process of Carex lasiocarpa wetlands was carried out in the Shangjiang Plain Mire Wetlands Ecological Experiment Station in Chinese Academy of Science in Northeastern of China (47。31`N, 133。31`E). The field work was carried out in a typical Carex lasiocarpa wetlands, which areas is 200×450m2 and it can divided into three areola, namely the determined areola of biomass; the determined areola of wither biomass and its decompose areola, and then it was setup each other which was used to sampling and observation from May to October in 1998-1999,the frequency was about 30d, the sampling area was 1×1 m2 with 2~3 times. The plants were divided into different compartments, in which is leaf, sheath, rhizome, inflorescence, spike, radicula and dead standing sampling, and dried to constand weight at 80。C, after which they were ground and samples were taken for analysis. The plant caloric value is determined by Parr type Oxygen bomb heat meter which is made in America. The photosynthesis is determined by photosynthesis meter, which is made in CID company in America; is analys Plant photosynthesis is the original force to impel and to support the whole ecosystem, we found that the net photosynthesis rate of Carex lasiocarpa is biggest than others in Carex lasiocarpa wetland, which is 47.41μmol·m-2·s-1. In the basis of the overall sunshine radiation and the photosynthesis availability radiation to count the energy utilization rate of each organs/component, the maximum is radicula, which are 1.3945% and 3.1879%, the minimal value is spike, which are 0.0020% and 0.0046%,the energy utilization efficiency of Carex lasiocarpa population is 2.54%. The average value of underground organs/components energy content of Carex lasiocarpa community is biggest than its in others community, which showed that C. lasiocarpa had higher energy productive efficiency and most energy was stored in their under-ground part, the reason for these were also discussed. In the allocation of energy content in different underground layer, with the increase of soil depth, energy content in different underground layer is decrease by degrees.
Keywords: Carex lasiocarpa, wetland ecosystem, photosynthesis, primary production efficiency, energy content


注意:本论文已在Journal of Environmental Science. 2001, 13(4):481-484上发表

Chiquan He(何池全)
The department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Shanghai University; Shanghai 200072, China
Changke Wang(王长科)
Changchun Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun, 130021,China)1

Abstract: Besides competing with algae for light and mineral nutrients (i.e. N, P, etc.), the root system of Acorus tatarinowii excretes some chemical substances, which injure and eliminate alga cells, to inhibit the growth of the algae. When the algae cells were treated in "A. tatarinowii water", some of the chlorophyll a were destroyed and the photosynthetic rate of algae decreased markedly and the ability of alga cells to deoxidize triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) reduced greatly. Then alga cells turned from bright red to bluish green under fluorescence microscope. These showed that the allelopathic effects of A. tatarinowii on algae were obvious and planting A. tatarinowii can control some green algae. The experiment on the extractions of the secretions of the root system showed that the inhibitory effect had a concentration effect. If the concentration of the root secretion was below 30ul/disc, the inhibitory rate was negative; if it was over 45ul/disc, the inhibitory rate was positive. This proved that the influence of the root secretion on the same acceptor was a kind of concentration effect. When the concentration of the root secretion was low, it promoted the growth of algae; when the concentration reached a definite threshold value, it restrained the growth of algae. In present case, the threshold value was between 30 ul/disc and 45 ul/disc.
Keywords: Acorus tatarinowii Allelopathy Algae Wetlands


注意:本论文已在《水利学报》 2002(4):88-92,96上发表

(大连理工大学海岸及近海工程国家重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116024)

摘要:基于现行建筑抗震设计规范(GBJ11-89),把钢筋混凝土柱的设计参数看作随机变量,柱的破坏看作由抗弯与抗剪失效模式组成的串联体系,采用Monte Carlo模拟法,分析了钢筋混凝土柱“强剪弱弯”设计的可靠性。重点分析了不同轴压比下,钢筋混凝土框架柱剪切破坏先于弯曲破坏发生的概率,为合理的确定剪切增强系数提供分析参考。
关键词:钢筋混凝土柱 强剪弱弯 可靠性分析 Monte Carlo模拟 

Reliability Analysis for Strong Shear-Weak Bending Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns

Reliability Analysis for Strong Shear-Weak Bending Design of Reinforced Concrete Columns
Ma Hongwang
(Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology,116023)

Abstract: Based on current seismic design code, design parameters of reinforced concrete columns are considered as random variables. Failure mode of columns is considered as series system. Reliability of Strong shear-weak bending design is analyzed by Monte Carlo simulation method. The probability of shear failure prior to flexural failure is obtained, Aiming to provided to reference for determining shear strength factor. 
Keywords: reinforced concrete column Strong shear-Weak bending reliability analysis Monte Carlo simulation 


注意:本论文已在《建筑结构》 2003,9上发表

马宏旺 吕西林

摘要:针对混凝土设计规范(GB 50010-2002)中,矩形、T形和I形截面的一般框架梁抗剪设计进行可靠度评估。把梁的设计参数(混凝土强度、箍筋配筋率、钢筋强度、自重荷载效应和地震作用效应)看作随机变量,采用Monte Carlo 模拟法,得出按新规范设计不同抗震等级梁的抗剪可靠指标的变化范围。把设计参数分别看作确定性变量和随机变量,文中针对新、旧规范(GBJ10-89)的抗剪设计安全性进行了比较分析。结果表明按照新规范进行梁的抗剪设计比旧规范更安全。
关键词:钢筋混凝土梁 抗剪 可靠度 Monte Carlo模拟 

Reliability Evaluation of Seismic Shear Design for Reinforced Concrete Beams

Ma Hongwang ,  Lu Xilin
(Civil Engineering Department of Tongji University, ShangHai 200092,China)

Abstract: Reliability evaluation for seismic shear design of general reinforced concrete frame beams designed following The Code(GB 50010-2002)is finished. The design parameters such as strength of concrete, strength of steel, gravity load and earthquake action are regarded as random variables. Seismic shear reliability index of the beams is obtained by Monte Carlo simulation method. At the same time, from two aspects of determination and uncertainty, safety of seismic shear design of beams is compared between the new code(GB50010-2002) and the old code(GBJ10-89). The results indicated that shear design of beams following the new code is more safety than following the old code.
Key words: reinforced concrete beam; shear design; reliability

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